

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bonding and Fillings for Your Teeth

Chipping or breaking a tooth can be very painful. It can also leave the tooth misshapen or with a sharpened edge that could hurt the inside of your mouth. Dental bonding and fillings assist in rebuilding the affected tooth with special materials. We at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group are proud to offer both of these procedures to our patients. We are committed to helping fix your smile when unexpected chips and breaks occur!

Dental bonding restores the natural shape of your tooth by using composite resin matched to your specific tooth color. In cases of accidental damage or minor decay, it is an inexpensive way to restore the look of the tooth to its normal healthy self. Dental bonding can also be used for protecting the roots of your teeth. Receding gums exposing the tooth root allow bacteria in easily, making them more susceptible to infection.

Dental fillings focus more on restorative efforts than cosmetic ones since they are stronger and more durable than dental bonding. This method also has a low cost, but is the better option over dental bonding in the long run. Whereas dental bonding fixes the outside of the tooth, dental fillings fix the inside of a tooth damaged from decay or a break. For back teeth, it’s better to use metal fillings so that it can better withstand the force of chewing. 

Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located on 1500 W 38th St., Suite 34, in Austin, TX 78731. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 512-451-7491.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Conventional and Immediate Dentures

At Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, we pride ourselves in helping our patients achieve the best, confidence-boosting smile they can get. Dr. Fredrick Shaw, DDS has extensive training in complete dentures. Dental dentures are designed to replace missing teeth as well as the surrounding tissues. They are custom made, removable, and significantly improve the function and appearance of your smile. You can even eat and sleep with them! Your dedicated Austin, TX dentist will ensure that your new dentures fit your mouth properly and comfortably.

Complete dentures are either “conventional” or “immediate.” Conventional dentures are made after the teeth have been completely removed from the gum tissue and the healing process has had a chance to begin. After that time, this type of complete denture is placed in the mouth for eight to twelve weeks. Immediate dentures are made in advance and can be positioned as soon as the teeth are removed. This is a great alternative to conventional dentures because the wearer doesn’t have to go without teeth during the healing process.

Other benefits of complete dentures include:

- Facial muscle support

- Allows patients to eat food they couldn’t eat without teeth

- Improves the ability to chew, eat, and speak

- Improves appearance and smile

- Improves confidence and self-esteem

Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located on 1500 W 38th St., Suite 34, in Austin, TX 78731. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 512-451-7491.


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Periodontal Disease

Did you know that it’s abnormal for your gums to bleed while brushing your teeth? Your hands shouldn’t bleed when you wash them, but many people seem to think that bleeding from the gums is normal. In actuality, this is a sign of an underlying issue. We at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group dedicate our time and expertise to educating our patients about good oral health. Your Austin, TX dentist can help you achieve that winning smile.

If your gums are swollen and bleeding, these are signs of the beginning stages of periodontal disease known as gingivitis. The gums have been infected with bacteria-infested plaque, which is usually caused by poor dental hygiene or pre-existing conditions. Periodontitis is the advanced stage of the disease, where the teeth can actually be loosened and fall out.

Factors that can increase your risk of periodontal disease include:

- Chronic stress

- Certain medications such as antidepressants, diuretics, high blood pressure meds, seizure-controlling meds, and calcium blockers

- Poor nutrition

- Fluctuating hormones

- Diseases such as diabetes, leukemia, inflammatory bowel disease, and HIV

- Teeth grinding

- Crooked or crowded teeth

- Tobacco use

- Genetics

Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located on 1500 W 38th St., Suite 34, in Austin, TX 78731. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 512-451-7491.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Wisdom Teeth: Complications and Warning Signs

We’ve all heard of it before, maybe even experienced its fury: “my wisdom teeth are coming in.” Nowadays, it’s a common trend for young adults to record themselves after getting their wisdom teeth removed. There’s the comic relief post-procedure and sharing the video on Youtube. Until a viewer feels an unfamiliar ache in their mouth and wonders what comes before the laughs, or even after them. Dr. Fredrick Shaw, DDS closely monitors the development of wisdom teeth in our young patients and is committed to preserving their overall oral health.

Wisdom teeth that do not have enough space to develop correctly can cause numerous problems in the mouth. Complications include the trapping of food and making an environment for cavities and disease to form, crowding or damaging neighboring teeth, and causing root damage (which is irreversible). As always, it is recommended that you see your dentist for regular checkups so that any issues involving the development of your wisdom teeth can be addressed as soon as possible.

You may need to get your wisdom teeth removed if you show signs of:

- Pain, aching, or tenderness

- Infection

- Cysts

- Tumors

- Damage to surrounding teeth

- Gum disease

- Tooth decay

Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located on 1500 W 38th St., Suite 34, in Austin, TX 78731. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 512-451-7491.


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Senior Dental Care

Dr. Frederick Shoal of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group believes that living a healthy life is a happy one! Taking good care of your teeth prevents extreme treatment measures like extraction. Consistent dental care is even more important for senior citizens. All bones weaken with age. Your teeth are no exception! Patients over the age of sixty are at risk for extraction, tooth decay, and periodontal (gum) disease. When prosthodontic care becomes necessary, call our office in Austin, TX.


It’s common to struggle with physical activities as you age. This includes tasks like brushing and flossing. To avoid extraction and tooth decay, your Austin, TX, prosthodontist recommends a few strategies. First, invest in an electric toothbrush. These are great for providing a thorough cleaning with minimal physical effort. It’s perfect for older patients. Electric toothbrushes are a viable and affordable option. Look for them at your local grocery store or supermarket.


Reaching the back parts of your mouth is always a struggle. For senior patients, these areas suffer from neglect. This doesn’t have to be the case. Try elongating the toothbrush handle. Using materials around your house, like foam, rubber, or tongue depressors, attach these to the handle. Making it longer gives you the chance to really clean those back molars!


Another general tip from Dr. Shaw: purchase a soft-bristled toothbrush! These are gentler on your teeth and gums. This leads to less irritation and oral damage. Talk to your dentist or prosthodontist on the best brand of toothbrush for elderly patients.


Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit his website or call 512-451-7491.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Halitosis: (Un)beatable Bad Breath

Everyone has bad breath at one point or another. Maybe you just woke up or had a very garlicky meal. Only when your bad breath becomes constant should you take notice. That’s when you should contact Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group. You may be suffering from a condition called Halitosis, or chronic bad breath. Your Austin, TX, prosthodontist helps where mouthwashes and mints can’t!


There are a few possible causes of halitosis. The first and most common are dental problems. Bacteria love to gather in your mouth. When they are left unchecked, they lead to cavities and gum disease. Both conditions create various places for bacteria to fester. It also makes your mouth harder to keep clean. Food debris becomes unreachable! Both the dental conditions and the uncleaned mouth contribute to your halitosis. Your Austin, TX, prosthodontist recommends a professional dental cleaning. This gets your mouth back into tip-top shape. You might also receive a prescription for mouthwash. Remember, it’s important to follow a consistent dental routine. Always brush twice a day for two minutes. Floss at least once a day.


Your saliva plays a big role in oral health. It keeps your mouth moist while cleaning away bacteria. You also need it to remove debris from your teeth! Dry mouth and halitosis go hand-in-hand. Talk to your dental professional about dry mouth and possible treatments.


Chronic and acute conditions are also at fault. Be on the lookout for nose, throat, and mouth infections. This results in smelly mucus congregating in your mouth. Bacteria feed on this mucus, creating even worse breath. Certain infections require antibiotics. Talk to your primary care physician or doctor.


Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit his website or call 512-451-7491.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Dry Mouth

It may seem strange, but saliva is an important and necessary part of your mouth. If your throat feels dry constantly, you’re always thirsty, or you struggle to do simple tasks like eating, chewing and speaking, you’re likely suffering from Dry Mouth. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group. Dry mouth is a condition that shouldn’t be ignored. Learn more at our office in Austin, TX.


Besides eating and speaking, saliva keeps your mouth clean! It fights off dangerous oral bacteria. Saliva deficiency also causes extensive dental problems. You’re at a higher risk of plaque and tooth decay. Scheduling an appointment with your Austin, TX, prosthodontist allows for treatment and prevention.


At your appointment, Dr. Shaw first determines what is causing your dry mouth. Did you know that there are over 500 different medications that create dry mouth? Disclose any pharmaceuticals that you take daily or frequently. Even something as harmless as an allergy medication may be the culprit. Your dentist may recommend you talk to your doctor or primary care practitioner about switching to an alternative prescription. Another possible cause of dryness is certain autoimmune disorders. One of the main symptoms of Sjögren's syndrome is dryness. It’s a systemic disease that attacks your salivary glands. Consider other medical conditions too. Certain treatments, like chemotherapy, lead to dry mouth. The same goes for smoking.


Your treatment solely depends on you. It varies due to the cause of the dryness. A good way to reduce dry mouth is by eliminating sugary foods and drinks. Sugar naturally depletes your saliva. Try cutting back on drinks like coffee, tea, alcohol, and soda. Replace these with water. Upping your water intake is also necessary. There are also over-the-counter dry mouth medications. These are available in gel, mouthwash, and toothpaste forms.


Don’t hesitate to talk to your local prosthodontist. Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit his website or call 512-451-7491.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


Causes of Pericoronitis

Pericoronitis is a dental ailment that occurs when the gum tissue around the wisdom teeth, the final set of molars experienced in early adulthood, become infected and swollen. This occurs when there is not enough room in the mouth. Without the necessary room, the wisdom teeth will either partially or fully fail to erupt. Food and plaque will then get caught underneath the gums, causing irritation. If not removed Pericoronitis can occur.


At Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, Dr. Frederick Shaw, D.D.S. can inspect your wisdom teeth to detect if they are coming in and check if they have punctured the gum line. Through an examination, any symptoms of swelling and infection can be investigated.


Symptoms of Pericoronitis

The main symptoms can include:

  • Swelling in the gums

  • Pain

  • Infection

  • A “sour” taste in the mouth

  • Swelling of the lymph nodes

  • Increased difficulty opening the mouth


Diagnosis and Treatment

If Pericoronitis is suspected, the first step will be to wash away the accumulated food causing the irritation. If the pain and swelling have not spread, the recommended treatment is to rinse your mouth with warm salt water. An antibacterial oral rinse may also be recommended. If swelling and pain are widespread, oral antibiotics will be prescribed. Over-the-counter pain relievers are also recommended.


Make sure to monitor the tooth closely after treatment. If symptoms are severe, or in the case of recurrent pericoronitis, oral surgery may be recommended to remove the wisdom tooth or gum flap.


If you experience any of these symptoms, specifically swelling and pain, make an appointment with Dr. Shaw right away. An untreated infection can spread into the throat and neck, restricting your ability to swallow and breathe. Thus, early prevention is key.


To learn more about our practice and the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tooth Sensitivity

If you feel a shooting pain through your teeth when you bite into something cold, that indicates a problem with your dental health. We’ve restored a lot of teeth at the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group in Austin, so we know the warning signs of deteriorating enamel. If you want to protect your teeth and their function, read on.

Natural teeth contain a nerve in their pulp. Dentin, a yellow-grey porous substance, surrounds the pulp, and heat can easily be transferred through it out of the nerve. The crown of the tooth is mostly made up of enamel, a thick mineral substance that insulates dentin, while the tooth root is made of cementum, a thin substance that helps the root adhere to gum tissue. If enamel erodes or gum tissue recedes, the tooth will be more sensitive to sudden changes in temperature.

Although it is possible for enamel erosion to result from mechanical stress, most instances are caused by exposure to acid. Oral bacteria secrete acid as they metabolize sugar, and the acid becomes stuck in the gum pocket and in a natural tooth’s biofilm. Patients will have to improve their brushing to reduce sensitivity and switch to toothpaste with extra fluoridation. If they have a partial denture, they may also want to consult with us to ensure they are cleaning it correctly. (Oral appliances should not be cleaned with fluoridated toothpaste or they may get scratched.) Patients should also avoid drinks that are acidic, such as soda and citrus juice.

Frederick Shaw, DDS, operates the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group at 1500 W 38th Street, Suite 34, Austin, Texas, 78731. To schedule an appointment, call 512-451-7491 or visit Frederick Shaw DDS and fill out a contact form.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Alzheimer's and Gum Disease

We frequently see the effect gum disease has on dental stability at the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group. Weakened gum tissue makes it easier for teeth to fall out and implants to fail. But teeth aren’t the only things imperiled by gum disease. New research has shown a link between Alzheimer’s disease and oral bacteria, drawing new attention to how closely tied oral health is to the rest of the body.

Porphyromonas gingivalis, one of the bacteria species that causes gum disease, defends itself against white blood cells by secreting toxic enzymes called gingipains. Although gingipains are common, scientists found them at elevated levels in the brains and spinal fluid of people who displayed symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Further research determined that gingipains trigger the creation of neural plaque, which disrupts brain function and leads to Alzheimer’s.

In the past few months, new research was published on the movement of P. gingivalis in living humans. Scientists found evidence that P. gingivalis can travel from the mouth to the brain and that it likely speeds the development of Alzheimer’s. Although they do not believe the gum disease is the sole cause of neural plaque formation, it does seem to be a significant contributor. People with Alzheimer’s are also less able to care for their gum health, creating a vicious circle. We encourage all our patients to maintain regular dental appointments so they can get deep cleanings and to carefully monitor themselves for signs of gingivitis. Their teeth aren’t all that’s on the line.

Frederick Shaw, DDS, operates the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group at 1500 W 38th Street, Suite 34, Austin, Texas, 78731. To schedule an appointment, call 512-451-7491 or visit Frederick Shaw DDS and fill out a contact form.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Prosthodontics and Cleft Palate

Not everybody who gets an artificial tooth is replacing one that fell out; some people are getting teeth where there hadn’t been any previously. At the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group in Austin, we work closely with other doctors to care for children with facial deformities such as cleft palates. These patients will need several procedures over the course of their development to be able to enjoy the full use of their jaws.

When a part of the upper palate was missing at birth, the teeth may come in misaligned even after initial corrective surgery. They may be difficult to speak or eat with or to keep clean. Orthodontic therapy is often required to move them out of the way in preparation for an implant. Once orthodontic therapy is complete, the patient may need a larger bone graft to fill in the gap in their jaw bone and create something for an implant to anchor to. The new bone material may be taken from another part of the patient’s mouth or be made of material taken from a donor or synthesized in a laboratory. The process of integrating new tissue will take some months, during which a patient may wear a temporary denture.

Once the new bone tissue is integrated, an implant post may be placed. For a single tooth, this process could also take a few months, after which an artificial crown may be loaded onto it. Another option is to make a permanent partial denture or bridge, which may be desirable if more than one tooth needs to be restored. Having a full set of teeth will greatly improve a patient’s oral health, as well as their self-confidence and quality of life.

Frederick Shaw, DDS, operates the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group at 1500 W 38th Street, Suite 34, Austin, Texas, 78731. To schedule an appointment, call 512-451-7491 or visit Frederick Shaw DDS and fill out a contact form.


Saturday, August 31, 2019

White Spot Lesions

Do you ever notice your teeth looking milky and discolored? That’s a sign that enamel is under attack. We’ve seen a lot of tooth decay at the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group in Austin, but we’ve also seen a lot of people who were able to protect themselves by catching it in time. This week’s blog post is dedicated to the teeth’s early warning system: white spot lesions.

When acid erodes enamel, the teeth will be demineralized of calcium and phosphate before large chunks of material dissolve. Demineralization can be recognized by white discoloration. It is commonly seen around orthodontic brackets and on the upper back molars of people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease. Ordinarily, saliva neutralizes acid, but when a person is dehydrated or their saliva glands have been damaged, white spots are likelier to form. If the incipient lesion is not stopped, it may develop into a cavity.

Ordinary brushing and flossing is usually enough to stop the spread of an infection. But scarring is possible, and it only takes about thirty days for caries to develop. We can help a patient to determine whether a white spot represents an active infection. (Staining from excess fluoride can look similar.) Remineralization therapy is available to combat dental scars. White spots only develop on natural teeth, so patients also have to be attentive to brushing dentures and artificial crowns.

Frederick Shaw, DDS, operates the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group at 1500 W 38th Street, Suite 34, Austin, Texas, 78731. To schedule an appointment, call 512-451-7491 or visit Frederick Shaw DDS and fill out a contact form.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Digital X-Ray's

Many practices are moving to digital radiography to take x-rays instead of traditional photographic film. Digital x-rays are more efficient by bypassing chemical processing and it allows us to transfer and view the photos of your mouth faster. Digital radiography uses 80% less radiation than traditional films. With the health of patients being the most important thing, digital radiography is taking over the medical field.

Digital x-rays help dentists to identify any dental problems you may be having. They allow us to detect bone loss, tumors, infections in the tooth nerve, tooth decay, and other abnormalities.

Digital radiography provides you with the best care possible by being convenient, safer, and faster. With the ability to enhance image quality, we able to fix your dental issues better and more efficiently. With digital radiography becoming the go to way to take photos for dentists, it leaves patients safer without losing any picture quality.

To learn more about all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

New Patient Information

Before your first visit with us at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, we are going to need some more information about you. During your first visit, it is important that we get all of your medical history, background information, and for our staff to make a personal connection with you and get to know you better.

On our website you can find out all of the things you need to know for what you need to bring, our hours, address, and the payment and insurance policies. Our website also has forms that you can print and fill out prior to your visit to save time when you come in.

As a practice, our mission is to work together to realize a shared vision of uncompromising excellence in dentistry.

All of the information we need from you is important to helping us give you the best care possible. Our staff looks forward to meeting you and giving you a great dental experience.

To learn more about all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder where your breathing stops and starts repeatedly. This can be a potentially serious disorder that can cause your brail to fail to breathe for a short period of time in more serious cases.

Some symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring, gasping for air during your sleep, dry mouth, morning headaches, and tiredness even after sleeping, and difficulty staying asleep.

The cause of sleep apnea is when the muscles in the back of your throat relax and your airway closes as you breathe in, preventing air from allowing you to breathe. For patients with sleep apnea you may wake up 5 to 30 times a night gasping or choking.

Sleep apnea is treated with oral surgery in which our doctors at Dr. Frederick Shaw, DDS remove the excess tissue in your throat that is blocking the upper air passages.

If there are signs that you have sleep apnea please schedule an appointment with us.

To learn more about all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Sealants for Children

Sealants are a plastic coating on the chewing surfaces of the molar to prevent tooth decay. Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease among children. Sealants have shown to reduce the risk of tooth decay by nearly 80% in molars, making them a great investment for your children’s oral health going forward. At Dr. Frederick Shaw, DDS we know it can be hard to clean between every nook and cranny of your teeth which is why we advise our younger patients to get sealants.

To apply the sealants to your molars, an adhesive is applied with a liquid that is painted right on your tooth. The liquid than hardens and creates barrier between your tooth and any plaque or bacteria that can be damaging to your teeth.

Sealants can last for up to 10 years and are replaceable when then they need to be. Sealants aren’t a substitute for brushing and flossing but it is a great addition to keeping your molar’s healthy and clean.

To learn more about all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


A panorex is a machine that takes images of your mouth and can identify issues and structures in your mouth that a traditional x-ray cannot identify. The benefit to the panorex is that it allows our doctors at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group to see beyond your teeth and into the structural problems that exist in your mouth.

Besides identifying structural issues, our panorex machine also tells if you have any infections or asymmetry that needs to be fixed. The ability to identify issues that are small at the moment and correct them before they become serious issues is important.

To use the panorex machine, we have you sit in a chair with your chin on a small ledge. Once the machine is positioned it will do a 360 rotation of your head to get a full view of your teeth, head, sinuses, and bones. From there we can view any potential issues and go forward with any necessary treatment.

To learn more about the panorex all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Soft Gum Graft

A soft tissue graft is needed when there is a lot of gum recession in an area of your mouth. The earlier you catch gum recession the more correctable it is with some changes in your dental hygiene routine. In the early stages we recommend that you brush longer, floss regularly, and use things such as mouthwash to strengthen your gums.

If your gums reach the point of no return and there is a greater risk for infection and bacteria, you will likely be sensitive to hot and cold foods which is a sign of gum recession.

To restore your gum level, our doctor at Fredrick Shaw, DDS performs a soft tissue graft. During the graft soft tissue is either removed from the roof of your mouth, or repositioning healthy gum tissue from your other teeth.

If you notice signs of potential gum recession, please give us a call at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group. It is important to catch gum recession before it becomes a major issue.

To learn more about soft tissue grafts and all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Mouthwash is a liquid that is used to help prevent cavities and acid from damaging your teeth. Dr. Frederick Shaw, DDs and his staff encourages patients to add mouthwash to their dental hygiene routine. Fluoride is a mineral in mouthwashes that makes your teeth stronger and is resistant to decay caused by acid and bacteria.

There are many different mouthwashes to choose from that are sold in stores and over-the-counter. We advise our patients to read the label to see which mouthwashes are designed to fight tooth decay and not just for better breath.

For you to benefit the most from mouthwash, we recommend that you use mouthwash at the same time every day. Don’t forget to avoid eating or drinking for at least 30 minutes after using mouthwash to allow the fluoride to be effective.

Don’t forget, mouthwash shouldn’t be a replacement for brushing and flossing but rather an addition to your routine.

To learn more about mouthwash all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Why You Should Avoid Drinking Soda

At Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, we encourage our patients to drink plenty of water and avoid soda for your healthiest teeth. Soda is damaging to your teeth since the bacteria in your mouth feeds off of sugar to create acids.  When acid is created it feeds off your tooth enamel which is there to protect your teeth. Drinking soda puts you at a greater risk for tooth decay and other health problems.

When you consume soda, we advise our patients to use a straw if to limit the amount of sugar that is resting on your teeth. If possible, you should brush your teeth after drinking soda or rinse your mouth out with water to wash away the acid. The best time to brush your teeth and rinse is 20-30 minutes after drinking soda to remove the acid.

When possible, we encourage all of our patients to follow a healthy diet and consume milk that makes your teeth stronger and drink plenty of water as an alternative.

To learn more about the dangers of drinking soda and all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Choosing The Right Toothbrush

Choosing a toothbrush is important, even if it may not seem like it. There are many different types of bristles, head shapes, and handle types. It can be overwhelming to find one that works best for you. That's why Dr. Frederick Shaw of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group in Austin, TX, has provided this toothbrush guide.


Most dentists, including your Austin dentist, recommend soft bristled brushes. These are great for removing debris and plaque from your teeth. Using a hard bristled brush can actually create more problems. It’s been found to cause teeth sensitivity.


In terms of shape, pick a toothbrush head that fits your teeth. The bristles need to be able to reach all areas of your mouth. The right toothbrush will comfortably reach and clean your back molars. A smaller brush is more maneuverable within your mouth.


Invest in a powered or electric toothbrush. These are great for cleaning your teeth. They provide a thorough level of brushing. If you can’t or haven’t been brushing for the full two minutes, an electric toothbrush can get you back on track. It’s also a lot easier to use an electric toothbrush.


It’s important to replace your toothbrush every 3 months or whenever it starts to drop in quality. Switch it as soon as the bristles begin to deteriorate. Also, switch your toothbrush after you’ve recovered from a cold or sickness. Germs can reside in the bristles and make you sick again.


Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit our website or call 512-451-7491.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Intrinsic Staining

Staining on your teeth may seem like a simple cosmetic issue, but in reality, intrinsic stains can be a sign of a significant dental problem. Stains come in two kinds, extrinsic and intrinsic. Intrinsic occurs on a deeper level than extrinsic stains. Only a dental professional, like Dr. Frederick Shaw, can diagnose the cause behind the stain. Contact Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group if you have odd staining on your teeth.


The most important reason to get an intrinsic stain examined is to determine if the tooth is dead. This is especially important when the tooth has a history of injury or infection. If a tooth is necrotic, it needs to be extracted as soon as possible. Another cause is damage to a tooth. An injury creates blood flow to the tooth. The iron pigments flow into the dentin, causing a darker appearance. If the stain has been present since childhood, it’s most likely due to specific antibiotics affecting the formation. High levels of fluoride also affect enamel development.


The stained tooth’s examined by your Austin dentist. He tests the tooth with heat, cold, and a small amount of electrical stimulation. Depending on the response a root canal may be needed. For inflamed or injured teeth, the root canal relieves the pressure. As mentioned, necrotic teeth are extracted. Dental veneers and bonding correct non-serious intrinsic staining. Certain forms of advanced teeth bleaching are also effective.


Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit our website or call 512-451-7491.

Tongue Cleaners

There are many ways to improve your dental health routine. Investing in a tongue scraper or cleaner is a great one. These are handheld dental appliances that work just like their name implies. They scrape off bacteria that cause bad breath (halitosis) and tongue coatings. To learn more about improving your oral health, contact Dr. Frederick Shaw. Schedule your bi-annual dental examination at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, located in Austin, TX.


Using a tongue scraper is simple and easy. Start off by placing it at the back of the tongue and slowly moving it forward. Rinse it off after completing each scrape. Wash out your mouth as well. Continue as many times as necessary. A coated tongue is caused by a build-up of bacteria and dead cells on your tongue. This is due to dry mouth, yeast infections, medications, smoking, or poor oral health. Your tongue cleaner rids your mouth of these pathogens.


Tongue cleaners aren’t just helpful for improving your breath. Some studies have shown that tongue cleaners heighten your sense of taste. It also just leads to an overall healthier mouth. With fewer bacteria and debris, there is a decreased chance of cavities and infections.


Be cautious when using your mouth scraper. Avoid scraping too far back on your tongue. Pay attention to how much pressure you use and where. You can accidentally cut your tongue if you aren’t careful.


To learn more about tongue cleaner and your oral health, contact Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group. We are located in Austin, TX. For scheduling an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit our website or call 512-451-7491.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Children experience a higher level of cavities and tooth decay than adults do. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn't take care of or worry about your child's baby teeth. Just because they aren't permanent doesn’t mean they aren't important. Children often experience a phenomenon referred to as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. Dr. Frederick Shaw of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, located in Austin, TX, treats pediatric patients. Contact us to learn more.


The biggest cause of baby bottle tooth decay is found right in your infant's bottle. The American Dental Association recommends parents only fill bottles with breast milk, formula, or milk. Do not give your child drinks that are high in sugar. This includes juice, soft drinks, and sugar-water. Fluoride naturally occurs in the majority of the water supply in the U.S. For older children, drinking water will naturally help prevent cavities.


Refrain from giving your infant a bottle during the night. Moisture can accumulate in their mouths. Avoid giving your infant dirty pacifiers, washing them often.


Germs and bacteria are the cause of tooth decay. Baby bottle tooth decay often begins when saliva is transferred between the mother and child. It can happen when sharing food or cleaning their pacifiers. Be cautious and avoid unnecessary mouth-to-mouth contact. Bacteria is detrimental to your child's health.


Your child should first visit the dentist after receiving their first baby tooth or by their first birthday. Dr. Frederick Shaw is a family-friendly dentist in the Austin, TX, area. To schedule your child’s appointment at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, visit our website or call 512-451-7491.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Gum Grafting

When you don’t participate in everyday oral routines and care, your dental health will seriously suffer. Without proper brushing and flossing, periodontal disease and gum disease can set in. Gingivitis is the early stage, but if left untreated, it will progress into periodontitis. Gum grafts become necessary when gum disease causes your gums to recede. Dr. Frederick Shaw of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group offers gum grafting services to our patients.


Gingivitis allows bacteria and plaque to build up. Bacteria will multiply until they create large pockets. Even after getting these pockets cleaned out and treated by Dr. Shaw, they will still remain. Not only is it displeasing to look at, but it can be dangerous to have such an abnormal amount of the tooth structure visible.


A gum graft can correct these problems. It can restore your gums to their natural and healthy state. At the procedure, Dr. Shaw will numb the areas with local anesthetics. Healthy gum tissue will be taken from the roof of the mouth. This tissue is then stretched and stitched onto the gums. The goal is to cover the exposed tooth and roots. If the graft is successful, it should encourage new tissue to grow, allowing your gums to return to their natural form.


It is incredibly important to follow the post-operative instructions. The entire process should take about one to two weeks to heal. During this period, avoid eating difficult foods. Stick to soft and cool foods. Avoid vigorous exercise. Avoid brushing and flossing around the treatment site. For some patients, antibiotics may be subscribed.


Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit our website or call 512-451-7491.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

April 2019: Oral Cancer Awareness Month

This April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. The best tools for fighting cancer are prevention and early detection. Dentists are often the first medical professionals to detect and diagnose oral cancer. That’s why if you experience any abnormal oral systems you need to schedule an appointment. Dr. Frederick Shaw of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group offers oral cancer screenings and regular appointments.


The biggest and most crucial indicator of a serious medical condition is oral symptoms that take over two weeks to heal. This is especially true if the symptoms do not heal at all. Schedule your appointment ASAP. Make sure to make an appointment any time you experience any of these symptoms:


Mouth ulcers or sores that take longer than two weeks to heal or don’t heal at all, a new or strange discoloration of the gums, lumps or hard spots in the mouth, bumps that easily bleed, and/or a lump on the outside of your neck that has been there for at least two weeks.


Symptoms vary when it comes to HPV-caused oropharyngeal cancer. With this type of cancer, you will most likely experience a hoarse or sore throat, pain in one or both of your ears, a constant cough, problems swallowing, and a lump on the neck.


The major risk factors for oral cancer are heavy tobacco and alcohol use. Using other tobacco products, like chewing tobacco, are just as detrimental to your health. The other risk is contracting the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus 16.


Don’t wait to make an appointment when experiencing any of these symptoms. Contact Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group today. We are located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit our website or call 512-451-7491.


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dental Phobia

At Dr. Fredrick Shaw, DDS we advise our patients to inform us of fears they have of going to the dentist. Going to the dentist can be an overwhelming experience and prevent patients from going. A big part of maintaining good oral hygiene includes visiting us twice a year for cleaning.

Studies have shown that patients who suffer from dental phobia have a greater chance of developing gum disease and tooth decay. An estimated 9% to 15% of people suffer from dental phobia. Some symptoms that are associated with dental phobia include tense or nervousness, sleepless nights before the dentist, and the thought of the dentist makes you feel sick.

To help cope with your dental phobia, we encourage our patients to express all of their fears so we can make your experience as relaxing as possible. Dental phobia is nothing to take lightly which is why our staff at Dr. Fredrick Shaw, DDS work to provide you with the best experience possible.

To learn more about Dental Phobia and all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019


At Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, we want you to be happy with your smile. If your smile isn’t up to your standards, Dr. Shaw offers cosmetic dental services to his clients. These services include Inlays/Onlays. Inlays/onlays are often thought of as partial crowns. They attach onto the base of your tooth to change its appearance.


Though inlays/onlays are technically a cosmetic procedure, it isn't really. They restore functionality to the teeth while also improving their physical appearance. They also can prevent further decay or damage to a tooth.


The difference between inlays and onlays is the severity of tooth decay. With inlays, part of the natural teeth remains intact, specifically the cusps. The inlay can be directly placed onto it. For onlays, the damage is extensive. The onlay extends onto the chewing surface on the back of the tooth to replace one or more of the cusps.


The entire procedure takes between two to three appointments with Dr. Shaw. To start, Dr. Shaw will remove any and all decayed tissue from the tooth. This will clear the tooth up for an impression. The impression of the tooth is used to create the inlay/onlay. A dental laboratory will create the inlay/onlay and send it back. This entire process takes between 2-3 weeks. You will receive a temporary inlay/onlay during this. At your final appointment, your permanent restorative device will be bonded to your teeth.


If you are interested in Inlays/Onlays, or our other cosmetic services, contact Dr. Shaw today. Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Shaw, visit our website or call 512-451-7491.


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Bone Grafts

Dr. Shaw of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, located in Austin, TX., offers bone grafting procedures to his patients. Bone grafts are used to build up the jaw bone to accommodate a restorative device. When a tooth is missing or extracted without replacement, the bone begins to disintegrate. A bone graft corrects this issue.


At your first appointment with Dr. Shaw, he will go over your eligibility for a bone graft. An x-ray will allow him to see how much bone jaw is available. This is also necessary for determining the size of the potential graft. There are multiple ways to receive tissue for the bone graft. In some cases, bone is taken from another section of the patients mouth. That section is drilled into, with the bone fragments being suctioned out to reuse. Other times the bone graft is received from a tissue bank. Regardless, Dr. Shaw will evaluate the bone graft for size and functionality.


Dr. Shaw will begin the bone grafting procedure by placing you under general anesthesia. He will make an incision along your jaw where the bone will be placed. The bone graft will be placed, being held in place using pins, plates, screws, wires, and/or cables. Once Dr. Shaw is finished, he will stitch and bandage the area.


Recovery is very dependent upon the patient. One main factor is the size of the graft itself. The larger the graft the longer the necessary recovery time. Your general health and natural healing time is also a big factor. Typical recovery can take place from two weeks up to a full year. Try not to engage in any vigorous activity while healing. Follow any post-operative instructions that Dr. Shaw gives you.


Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Shaw, visit our website or call 512-451-7491.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Children's Dental Hygiene

At Fredrick Shaw, DDS we want children to practice good oral hygiene. Tooth decay is the most chronic disease for children which is preventable through practicing good oral health care. We encourage our patients to begin brushing their children’s teeth as soon as their teeth come in.

Our staff advises our patients to brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush to effectively clean children’s teeth without irritating your child’s sensitive gums. Parents should only use a dab of toothpaste to prevent them from swallowing the toothpaste.

The cause of tooth decay is when plaque and bacteria form on your teeth and ultimately forms cavities. When possible, we encourage all of our patients to eat a healthy diet and limiting your consumption of sugar and acidic that can damage your teeth.

Remember to bring your children to the dentist twice a year for cleaning with us. When good oral hygiene habits are practiced at a young age it sets them up for a lifetime of good oral care.

To learn more about Dental Phobia and all of the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019



Flossing is a key element of your daily oral health hygiene routine. Though you might not think so, flossing is just as important as brushing. Only flossing can reach areas of your mouth that your toothbrush can’t. Dr. Frederick Shaw, D.D.S. at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, can answer any and all questions you might have about your daily oral routine, including flossing.

One of the best hygiene habits you can have is flossing every time you brush. Establishing a flossing routine is as easy as that. There are a few reasons why people don’t floss regularly. If your teeth are too close together, look into different varieties of floss. Floss comes waxed and unwaxed along with various thicknesses. A common misbelief is that flossing is too time-consuming. In reality, flossing has never been more accessible. Floss can be bought anywhere. Try sitting down to floss while you participate in leisurely activities, like watching TV.

Most patients don’t even realize that they might be flossing wrong. The American Dental Association (ADA) provides a few healthy tips and tricks to flossing correctly.

1. When flossing, use eighteen inches of floss. Wrap the majority of it between your two middle fingers. One finger will twirl out the used floss, the other with the clean floss.

2. Use your thumb and forefinger to guide the floss between the teeth. Be gentle, don’t snap the floss against your gums.

3. Wrap the floss around the tooth in a C shape.

4. Rub along the sides of the tooth in an up and down motion.

5. Throw away your floss when finished.

If you’d like to know more about flossing, or our other provided services, visit Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group in Austin, TX. Dr. Frederick Shaw, D.D.S. is available for appointments online and over the phone. Visit our website or call 512-451-7491.


Thursday, February 28, 2019

Porcelain Veneers

We here at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group want you to be confident in your smile. If you’re worried about your teeth color, shape, or alignment, consider Porcelain Veneers. Dr. Frederick Shaw offers these cosmetic services and more to his patients.

Our veneers are made of a thin layer of durable porcelain that replicates natural tooth enamel. When bonded to your teeth veneers create a whole new smile. The first step when choosing veneers is understanding exactly what you want your new smile to look like. Color is one of the biggest factors to choose from. Veneers can come in all shades of white, from natural to Hollywood-level brightness. Various sizes and shapes are available too. It’s recommended to do some research beforehand so you can decide what will look best.

Once a plan has been agreed upon, the next step is to prepare a mold of your teeth. This mold is sent to a dental laboratory to create your custom veneers. In the meantime, you will receive temporary veneers to wear. The permanent veneers will later be cemented onto your teeth. Just like with your natural teeth, make sure to brush and floss every day. Regular checkups with Dr. Shaw will ensure that your veneers and teeth are healthy.

Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, D.D.S., feel free to contact us through our website or by calling 512-451-7491.


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Occlusal Adjustment

After a night of sleeping, do you ever wake up with a sore jaw? Experience pain when eating or talking? When you bite, do you feel like your jaw is lopsided? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may need an Occlusal Adjustment.

Dr. Frederick Shaw, D.D.S. of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group can help you adjust and correct the alignment of your bite. This misalignment is a result of loose, shifting, crowded, or missing teeth. Evenly adjusting your bite will take irregular pressure off the mouth. Occlusal adjustment causes minimal to no pain, and very little discomfort.

Before the procedure, Dr. Shaw utilizes new technology to help locate at-risk areas. A computer scan of the mouth takes hundreds of bite registrations per minute, noticing even the smallest irregularity. This allows us to make adjustments that are only absolutely necessary.

During the procedure, Dr. Shaw will adjust the jaw by using a dental drill. Removable mouthpieces, similar to mouth or night guards, are also used. These will protect the tooth surface and relax the jaw muscles once the adjustment is complete.

What qualifies a good candidate for occlusal adjustment? Patients with loose and shifting teeth have found success, along with patients experiencing bruxism (teeth grinding) and uneven bite and pressure distribution. If you suspect that you may need an occlusal adjustment, schedule an appointment through the contact information below.

Visit Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group in Austin, TX, or contact Dr. Frederick Shaw, D.D.S. online or over the phone. More information can be found on our website, or by calling us at 512-451-7491.


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Canker Sores

Canker sores, also called aphthous ulcers, are small, shallow lesions that develop on the soft tissues in your mouth or at the base of your gums. Canker sores aren’t contagious but can be extremely painful and make chewing and drinking difficult.

The duration of a canker sore vary but they usually last anywhere from a couple days to a couple of weeks. Canker sores are a more oval shape and vary in size depending on the severity of it. Patients who are sensitive to certain foods can trigger canker sores along with anxiety, facial injuries, and a diet that lacks iron.

Teens and young adults are the most common demographic for canker sores and females are more likely to experience canker sores than males.

Although there is no exact cure for canker sores, rinsing your mouth a few times a day with warm water after meals and before bed helps. Avoiding sugary and acid foods are helpful and trying to keep stress to a minimum.

To learn more about canker sores and the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Nutrition and Oral Care

The foods you eat play a big role in the health of your teeth and gums. A steady diet of nutrients, fruits, and veggies makes teeth stronger and helps to avoid gum disease. At Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group we recommend patients avoid sugary and non-nutritious food to avoid tooth decay. Tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease.

Studies have shown that it is more difficult for the tissues in your mouth to resist infection when your body is not getting enough nutrients. People whose diet contains a lot of fat and sugar are at a higher risk of developing gum disease at a younger age.

Properly cleaning your teeth by brushing and flossing is important to avoiding gum disease and cavities. Outside of visiting Dr. Fredrick Shaw, DDS twice a year for a cleaning, drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fruits and veggies will lower the risk of bad oral health.

To learn more about nutrition and the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Oral Cancer Screening

An oral cancer screening is performed by Dr. Fredrick Shaw to to look for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in your mouth. The goal of an oral cancer screening is to identify mouth cancer early and treat it.

Patients who regularly consume tobacco or alcohol put themselves at a higher risk for oral cancer, and a history of sun exposure is more likely to cause lip cancer. Treating oral cancer before it becomes an irreversible problem is crucial and patients should receive an oral cancer screening with our practice as a precaution.

The exam to test for oral cancer is painless and will consist of an ultraviolet light the dentist uses to examine the patient’s mouth and feel  for any lumps or abnormalities.

Lifestyle choices play a big role in the health of your mouth and the condition that your body is in. If you are a smoker or heavy drinker, make sure to get regular oral cancer screenings when you visit Dr. Fredrick Shaw.

To learn more about canker sores and the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Tongue Care

Good oral hygiene begins with brushing and flossing your teeth, using fluoride, and avoiding as much as sugary and acidic foods as possible. It is also important to brush your tongue. Even though your tongue can’t develop cavities, it attracts bacteria that hide in the crevices and will stay there until brushed. The consequences of not brushing your tongue are bad breath and tooth damage.

There are a few ways to maintain good oral care of your tongue and the first one is a tongue scraper which can be found in most drug stores. These scrapers help to clear bacteria while improving the appearance and sensation of your tongue. Traditional toothbrushes will work just fine to clean your tongue as all you need to do is brush back and forth, side to side, and rinse with water. Over-brushing of the tongue can break the skin so once all the areas of the tongue have been brushed, simply rinse and you are good to go.

To learn more about canker sores and the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Swelling following Tooth Extractions

Our job at the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group in Austin is to replace teeth and help preserve them, but there are occasions when a tooth has to be removed. Hopefully, the process will be the simple extraction of a natural tooth, but even then, some swelling is natural and expected. We find that patients feel more confident about the procedure when they know what to expect and how to stay as comfortable as possible.

The loss of a tooth triggers the immune system’s inflammatory response. The patient’s blood should quickly clot, sealing off the empty socket from harmful bacteria, so the patient may try to prevent inflammation from increasing. The best way to do this is through the use of cold packs. They should be held against the mouth for fifteen minutes at a time, with fifteen minutes allowed to elapse between applications. The packs should be dry. Swelling can be expected to peak on the third day, and patients should call us if it continues to increase after that.

Once swelling has maximized, patients can try reducing it by using heat packs to speed blood flow out of the extraction region. For their safety, they should follow the same fifteen-on/fifteen-off protocol. Swelling should usually disappear within a week. If the extraction was complex, swelling may be more severe, and patients will have to return to our office anyway to have the sutures removed.

Frederick Shaw, DDS, operates the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group at 1500 W 38th Street, Suite 34, Austin, Texas, 78731. To schedule an appointment, call 512-451-7491 or visit Frederick Shaw DDS and fill out a contact form.