

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia is a condition in which your mouth is unusually dry for periods of time. Most often, dry mouth is a result of a decrease in saliva produced by the salivary glands. It can result as a side effect of certain medications, or be a symptom of an underlying problem. Fortunately, whatever the case may be, Dr. Fredrick Shaw of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group can treat this condition.

Saliva is the mouth’s primary defense against tooth decay and assists in maintaining the health of soft and hard tissues in the mouth. When the saliva is reduced, you develop a higher risk for tooth decay. If you are experiencing dry mouth, you may suffer from a constant sore throat, a burning sensation, difficulty speaking/swallowing, or dry nasal passages. Dry mouth not only increases your risk of tooth decay, it can increase your risk of gingivitis, and mouth infections. To treat this problem, Dr. Fredrick Shaw may suggest an oral rinse to help restore mouth moisture. If that doesn’t work, he may prescribe a medication to boost your saliva flow.

If you suffer from a constant dry mouth, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn more about Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group in Austin, TX, call us at 512-451-7491 or visit our website,

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How to Clean Dentures

At the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, we’ve fitted many patients with dentures and helped them maintain their new sets of teeth. Not being living tissue, dentures cannot self-repair like natural body parts and need special care.

Removable dentures need to be kept moist, but they could warp if they are put in hot water. Room temperature water or a specially made cleaning solution is best. A person with dentures should continue to regularly brush their gums and tongue, but dentures should not be brushed with conventional toothpaste. Like natural teeth, they should only be brushed with a soft-bristled brush and there are certain denture-specific toothpastes to use with them. Ultrasonic cleaners are useful but are a supplement for brushing, not a replacement. Patients should remember to brush the underside of a denture before reinserting it, and quickly inform a doctor if a denture or abutment used to support it becomes damaged.

Frederick Shaw, DDS, operates the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group at 1500 W 38th Street, Suite 34, Austin, Texas, 78731. To schedule an appointment, call 512-451-7491 or visit and fill out a contact form.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Types of Teeth

We make replacements for all kinds of teeth at the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, so it’s important for patients to know what exactly each tooth does. There are naturally thirty-two teeth in a normal adult’s mouth; some can be done without, but some can’t.

In the back of the mouth are three pairs of molars. These teeth are for grinding and chewing. The ones furthest back are called wisdom teeth, and they are often removed because there is not enough room for them to erupt fully. In front of the molars are two pairs of premolars, which are the same, but smaller.

There is one pair of canines in each jaw. These pointy teeth are used for piercing, but their even more important function is to provide the jaw arc with stability at the point of maximum curvature. The two pairs of front teeth are called incisors and are further distinguished by whether they are central or lateral. These are the teeth which are most important for forming speech and are the ones which usually receive the most cosmetic attention.While molars and premolars are often removed without being replaced, leaving a missing front tooth is bad for both the mouth's appearance and its function.

Frederick Shaw, DDS, operates the Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group at 1500 W 38th Street, Suite 34, Austin, Texas, 78731. To schedule an appointment, call 512-451-7491 or visit and fill out a contact form.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Don’t Let Plaque Pester You

If you’ve ever felt a fuzzy buildup on your teeth while licking them with your tongue, that pesky buildup is called plaque. Plaque contains bacteria, which following a meal or snack containing sugar can release acids that attack tooth enamel, eventually contributing to tooth decay and gum disease when left untreated. Plaque that is not removed with thorough daily brushing and flossing can eventually harden into tartar. When tartar accumulates, only Dr. Fredrick saw and his team of hygienists can remove it.

Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that constantly forms on our teeth and along the gum line. Plaque that is not removed from around the gum line can cause inflammation and irritation to the gums around your teeth. Red, puffy or bleeding gums can be the first signs of gum disease and if not treated, the tissues holding the teeth in place are destroyed and the teeth are eventually lost. In addition to practicing a proper oral hygiene routine, it is important to schedule professional cleanings twice a year to prevent plaque from getting worse.

If you have plaque buildup and are due for a dental checkup, please give us a call. To learn about other services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491. 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Gingivitis Symptoms

Gingivitis – an inflammation of the gums – is the initial stage of gum disease and is the easiest to treat. If the plaque is not removed by daily brushing and flossing, it produces toxins that can irritate the gum tissue, causing gingivitis. Dr. Fredrick Shaw recommends scheduling professional dental checkups every six months to prevent gingivitis from occurring, however, proper oral hygiene starts at home. Be aware of these symptoms and risk factors if you notice a bit of blood in the sink when you brush.

Healthy gums are firm and pale pink. If your gums are puffy, dusky red and bleed easily, you may have gingivitis. Because gingivitis is rarely painful, it is possible to have it without even knowing it. Signs and symptoms of gingivitis include: swollen, soft, puffy, receding, or occasionally tender gums, gums that bleed easily when you brush or floss, a change in color of your gums, as well as bad breath.

If you suffer from any of the symptoms above, give us a call so we can help you stop gingivitis in its tracks. To learn about other services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.