

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Drinking Water for Oral Health

Drinking water is important for your health at all ages.  Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group has seen adult patients that are guilty of not drinking enough water, so we know it can be tough to monitor if kids are getting enough too.  We want to encourage you and the kids in your family to stay hydrated and healthy!

We all know kids love drinking juice and soda, but we forget that these beverages leave unwanted sugar behind on the teeth.  The type of bacteria that causes cavities feeds on sugar, and produces acid that wears away enamel. Enamel is not replaceable, so it’s important to take care of it even from a young age.  When kids drink juice or soda, it is helpful just to drink some water afterwards to dilute acids and wash away food particles and residue. You and your children should be drinking at least eight 8oz glasses of water each day.  Drinking tap water with fluoride is important to help prevent cavities.  If you’re worried that your children may not be drinking enough water, come see us to discuss tips that might help them drink more!

To learn more about dental health and all the services available at the practice, visit for more information.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Chronic Halitosis

Bad breath is embarrassing, especially when you aren’t the first to notice. Also known as halitosis, bad breath isn’t typically a problem unless it becomes chronic. Chronic bad breath is usually caused by poor oral hygiene habits. It can also be a result of dry mouth, dental problems such as gum disease, or an underlying medical condition. If your bad breath has you feeling self-conscious, schedule a consultation with Dr. Fredrick Shaw to get the problem under control.

If you don’t brush and floss your teeth daily, food particles can remain in your mouth, promoting bacterial growth between teeth, around the gums, and on the tongue. This causes bad breath. Bad breath odors vary, depending on the source or the underlying cause. Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth may be a warning sign of gum disease. If you have bad breath, review your oral hygiene habits. If your bad breath persists after making changes, visit us as soon as possible.

If you have questions or concerns regarding halitosis or oral care, please give us a call. To learn about other services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Oral Thrush

Oral thrush is a common condition that usually doesn’t cause any serious problems for patients with strong immune systems. Oral thrush is more common in people with diabetes or those who were dentures, but it can also occur in children. If you are diagnosed with oral thrush, Dr. Fredrick Shaw may recommend antifungal mouth rinse. But before we discuss treatment, let’s discuss how oral thrush develops.

Small amounts of the candida fungus are in our mouths, digestive tracts, and skin. They are supposed to be there, but oral thrush occurs when a yeast infection develops on the inside of the mouth and causes the fungus to grow out of control. Thrush can be caused by a number of things, such as uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, dry mouth, or an HIV infection. If you experience pain when you swallow, a feeling of something caught in your throat, or a fever, you should schedule an appointment with us immediately so we can diagnose you and develop a treatment plan. You can reduce your risk of this condition by practicing proper oral hygiene, adding probiotics to your diet, and visiting us for oral checkups twice a year.

If you have questions or concerns regarding oral thrush, please give us a call. To learn about other services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Dental Implants

The staff of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group replace teeth and restore patient smiles with dental implants. Implants are a permanent restorative option for teeth that are missing or have been extracted.  They look and feel like natural teeth, and are the most permanent and efficient means of replacing lost teeth.

An implant is placed over a series of appointments because of the healing time required.  Implants are titanium screws inserted through an incision in the gum. Over a period of 3-6 months, the jaw bone heals around the implant to become a solid, stable base for the new tooth. During this time a patient is fitted with a temporary crown, and a custom crown is created to match their smile perfectly.

After the jaw bone and gums have healed appropriately, the custom crown is placed in a second minor procedure.  The doctor may need to expose the head of the implant by removing some gum tissue, and the crown will be screwed to the top of the implant.  When this is complete the tooth looks like part of the natural smile, and with proper care will last for decades!

To learn more about dental implants and all the services we provide, visit for more information.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Oral Conscious Sedation

The staff of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group have seen many patients who experience some level of anxiety with each dental procedure or appointment. Some patients have had negative experiences with dental procedures that make them anxious, and others may have a sensitive gag reflex that has always made dental work dreadful.  We understand why a dental appointment could be intimidating, but do not want to see patients delaying treatment because of these fears.  Oral conscious sedation is an option we recommend for patients experiencing dental anxiety.  

Oral conscious sedation is administered by taking a pill orally (usually Valium) before a procedure.  The light sedative relaxes the patient but does not ‘knock out’ the patient, as they remain conscious.  They are brought to an extremely relaxed state, and when the dentist begins working, local anesthetic is still used at the site of the procedure.  The combination of oral conscious sedation and local anesthetic means the patient can stay relaxed and usually allows the dentist to complete more work in one session.  This makes a more pleasant experience for an anxious patient, and can even mean less dental appointments overall!

To learn more about oral conscious sedation and all the services we provide, visit for more information.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.