

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Dry Mouth

It may seem strange, but saliva is an important and necessary part of your mouth. If your throat feels dry constantly, you’re always thirsty, or you struggle to do simple tasks like eating, chewing and speaking, you’re likely suffering from Dry Mouth. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group. Dry mouth is a condition that shouldn’t be ignored. Learn more at our office in Austin, TX.


Besides eating and speaking, saliva keeps your mouth clean! It fights off dangerous oral bacteria. Saliva deficiency also causes extensive dental problems. You’re at a higher risk of plaque and tooth decay. Scheduling an appointment with your Austin, TX, prosthodontist allows for treatment and prevention.


At your appointment, Dr. Shaw first determines what is causing your dry mouth. Did you know that there are over 500 different medications that create dry mouth? Disclose any pharmaceuticals that you take daily or frequently. Even something as harmless as an allergy medication may be the culprit. Your dentist may recommend you talk to your doctor or primary care practitioner about switching to an alternative prescription. Another possible cause of dryness is certain autoimmune disorders. One of the main symptoms of Sjögren's syndrome is dryness. It’s a systemic disease that attacks your salivary glands. Consider other medical conditions too. Certain treatments, like chemotherapy, lead to dry mouth. The same goes for smoking.


Your treatment solely depends on you. It varies due to the cause of the dryness. A good way to reduce dry mouth is by eliminating sugary foods and drinks. Sugar naturally depletes your saliva. Try cutting back on drinks like coffee, tea, alcohol, and soda. Replace these with water. Upping your water intake is also necessary. There are also over-the-counter dry mouth medications. These are available in gel, mouthwash, and toothpaste forms.


Don’t hesitate to talk to your local prosthodontist. Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group is located in Austin, TX. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit his website or call 512-451-7491.

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