

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Bruxism Causes and Treatment

Bruxism is the name for a condition in which a patient grinds his or her teeth while awake or during sleep. The teeth will grind and rub together as the jaw moves forcefully either side to side or back and forth. People who have bruxism may not even be aware that they have it that is until they notice jaw pain and stiffness, sore gums, or sensitive teeth. Once bruxism is diagnosed, Dr. Fredrick Shaw may suggest a night guard.

Teeth grinding commonly occurs at night while the patient is asleep. Many people have a mild case of bruxism that is mild and doesn’t require specific treatment. If the grinding is severe, Dr. Shaw may suggest a night guard to wear during sleep. A night guard will help alleviate pressure on the jaw and protect teeth from further damage. If bruxism is caused by a misaligned bite or broken teeth, Dr. Shaw may suggest orthodontic treatment or dental crowns.

If you have questions or concerns about bruxism causes and treatment, please give us a call. To learn more about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Health Risks Associated with Snoring

Snoring is a nuisance to our sleeping partners (or us), but when does it become a cause for concern? Everyone jokes about snoring, and occasional snoring isn’t very serious, but when snoring grows loud and frequent, it can actually be a symptom of an underlying condition, such as sleep apnea. Snoring occurs when the flow of air through the mouth and nose is physically obstructed. To properly diagnose and treat this condition, it’s best to schedule a consultation with Dr. Fredrick Shaw of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group.

If you or your partner is aware that you (or they) snore, don’t ignore treatment. Recent studies show that the intensity of snoring is associated with stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, weight gain, and/or mental health issues such as depression. This is because snoring is usually linked to a sleep disorder, and sleep disorders host a variety of health problems. Depending on the severity of snoring, treatment may range from a night guard to surgery.

If you have questions or concerns about sleep apnea or sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment, please give us a call. To learn more about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Intraoral Cameras

Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group takes pride in offering the best dental care and the latest dental technology to our patients.  The intraoral camera we use is an exciting tool that allows the mouth to be seen from previously impossible angles. This technology has proven very helpful in capturing images needed for procedure approval from insurance companies, but it will also change a typical dental office visit.

The tiny camera’s view is projected onto a monitor, making the same angle of the mouth visible to both doctor and patient at once. These views can help patients who don’t know a premolar from an incisor describe an area or a problem more accurately.  Providing more details can also help a patient better understand and follow their dentists’ plan of care for their mouth.  We hope this technology engages patients and helps you and your dentist better understand how to care for your mouth together.

To learn more about our intraoral camera and all the technology we use, visit for more information.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery

The staff of Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group sees many patients who are unhappy with their smile. The look of your smile includes your gums, and even patients without any damage to their teeth feel like their gums keep them from enjoying their best smile.  Some people naturally have more gum tissue than others and it results in a gummy smile, while others have less gum tissue that gives a look of elongated teeth. 

We offer cosmetic periodontal surgery so that any patient can have their perfect smile.  Cosmetic periodontal surgery is a technical way of saying sculpting the gum line, and each procedure is different depending on the patient’s goal.  Soft tissue grafts can be placed to extend the gum line, or excess gum tissue can be removed to expose more tooth.  The result is a visually pleasing ratio of tooth to gums that creates an even smile! If you think your smile would benefit from cosmetic periodontal surgery, please contact us.

To learn more about cosmetic periodontal surgery and all the services we offer, visit for more information.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.