

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tongue Cleaners

There are many ways to improve your dental health routine. Investing in a tongue scraper or cleaner is a great one. These are handheld dental appliances that work just like their name implies. They scrape off bacteria that cause bad breath (halitosis) and tongue coatings. To learn more about improving your oral health, contact Dr. Frederick Shaw. Schedule your bi-annual dental examination at Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group, located in Austin, TX.


Using a tongue scraper is simple and easy. Start off by placing it at the back of the tongue and slowly moving it forward. Rinse it off after completing each scrape. Wash out your mouth as well. Continue as many times as necessary. A coated tongue is caused by a build-up of bacteria and dead cells on your tongue. This is due to dry mouth, yeast infections, medications, smoking, or poor oral health. Your tongue cleaner rids your mouth of these pathogens.


Tongue cleaners aren’t just helpful for improving your breath. Some studies have shown that tongue cleaners heighten your sense of taste. It also just leads to an overall healthier mouth. With fewer bacteria and debris, there is a decreased chance of cavities and infections.


Be cautious when using your mouth scraper. Avoid scraping too far back on your tongue. Pay attention to how much pressure you use and where. You can accidentally cut your tongue if you aren’t careful.


To learn more about tongue cleaner and your oral health, contact Shoal Creek Prosthodontic Group. We are located in Austin, TX. For scheduling an appointment with Dr. Frederick Shaw, visit our website or call 512-451-7491.

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