

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Bruxism Causes and Treatment

Bruxism is the name for a condition in which a patient grinds his or her teeth while awake or during sleep. The teeth will grind and rub together as the jaw moves forcefully either side to side or back and forth. People who have bruxism may not even be aware that they have it that is until they notice jaw pain and stiffness, sore gums, or sensitive teeth. Once bruxism is diagnosed, Dr. Fredrick Shaw may suggest a night guard.

Teeth grinding commonly occurs at night while the patient is asleep. Many people have a mild case of bruxism that is mild and doesn’t require specific treatment. If the grinding is severe, Dr. Shaw may suggest a night guard to wear during sleep. A night guard will help alleviate pressure on the jaw and protect teeth from further damage. If bruxism is caused by a misaligned bite or broken teeth, Dr. Shaw may suggest orthodontic treatment or dental crowns.

If you have questions or concerns about bruxism causes and treatment, please give us a call. To learn more about services we provide at the practice, visit for more information.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Fredrick Shaw in Austin, TX, call 512-451-7491.

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